Sunday, April 5, 2009

Guam, USA

Our stay in Guam was relatively short; we were only there for 2 days.  We arrived at 5:00 am on the first day and went directly to the hotel, hoping that they we give us our room so we could sleep.  Thankfully, they did, and we emerged around 1:00 looking for lunch.  We were excited about being able to visit Guam because of the prospect of eating some American food and doing some shopping at some familiar stores.  

After one meal, we were regretting the American food idea.  We forget how big the portions are! We did get quite a bit of shopping done...we joked that it was our chance to stimulate the U.S. economy for a change!  

Adam with his new toy...a Nintendo DS

The beach in the mid-morning it was packed with people

Adam in the aquarium

Shane and Adam

Adam having his favorite meal: mac and cheese!


Jason said...

That's a good way to spend two days on a Pacific Island.

Ray-Babies said...

He looks so grown up!!!!

Tim Newman said...

After one meal, we were regretting the American food idea. We forget how big the portions are!Ha ha! Yeah, after the measly portions for 450RuR on Sakhalin, you forget you can a dustbin-lid full of chicken salad for $3 in the US....and that get's called a starter!

I'm envious of Adam, his life must be a blast right now.