Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting Ready for the Holidays

Okay, so first off, I have been really lax about the blog lately.  I am not too happy with the new version of is much slower and it seems to take forever to get the posts done.  I am considering changing, so if anyone has any ideas, I am open to hearing them.

On to what this post is really about....getting ready for the Christmas holiday season.  As we do every year, we put up our tree and decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I dressed Adam in a green shirt (red would have been better, but he doesn't have a plain red shirt) and talked him into letting me take his picture in front of it.  Trust me, it wasn't easy.  Our Community Center requested that all the kids come up and decorate their tree, which they were all thrilled to do.  Of course, when they were finished,  all the ornaments were located at the bottom of the tree, but hey, a good time was had by all.  We also went to our fair share of holiday parties....the major one being the one ENL hosted at the Santa Hotel.  It was a nice party, and it was also nice to get dressed up, leave Adam with a sitter and go out and celebrate with friends.

Adam in front of our tree

family picture

the children came up to help decorate the tree at our Community Center

all dressed up for the ENL holiday party

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