Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why we are behind...

I haven't been as good about updating my blog as I like to. Adam and Shane have both been sick, and that doesn't leave much time for anything else. Shane seems to be on the mend, whereas Adam seems to be getting worse, not better. We took him in for the 3rd time in 3 weeks to have him checked out. He has a cough, swollen tonsils, runny nose, fever, and a tendency to be extra clingy to Mommy. Most of his symptoms went away during the week - he actually went to school on Tuesday. However, it is all back - which means he is extra cranky. He also isn't getting much sleep at night or during his nap - which is why he slept late on Thursday. He was up every hour on the hour Wednesday night until around 4:00 AM; he then slept until 8:30! We left the doctor today with antibiotics (they said he had a ear infection), so hopefully that will do the trick. Stay tuned....

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